High Cotton Blog

My Why

My Why

The most commonly asked question I get is, "Why did you name your business High Cotton?". For the longest time, I struggled explaining this. It was like I knew why in my head, but I was not sure it made sense out loud.  Five years ago, I graduated college with basically no idea what to do next. I decided to enroll in graduate school, because that seemed like the most logical way to avoid adulthood. One day my parents took me to Caddo Valley Flea (fun fact : you can still shop HC there today), and I was instantly hooked...

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Beginner's Guide to House Plants

Beginner's Guide to House Plants

Let me just be honest.. I have killed every House Plant I have ever purchased. RIP to my Fiddle Fig tree that lasted one month. I need plants that basically don't need me. Plants that don't need me to remember to water them, or give them sunlight. Because I will forget. Every. Time. So I set out to do some research on House Plants. Surely there was a plant out there that I could keep alive.  1. Snake Plant  This is where my plant mom journey began. I bought this $6.99 from IKEA. I was determined to keep it alive...

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Drop Cloth Curtains

Drop Cloth Curtains

Easiest DIY ever!  Let's talk curtains! Okay.. curtains are expensive, and when you have 20 windows it is even more expensive. So listen up! I've got the easiest and cheapest DIY ever for you! Drop Cloth Curtains! Before you get started, make sure you measure your windows. Drop cloths come in many shapes and sizes. I like to flip the top of the drop cloth over at the top for a ruffle look. If you want to do this, you will need to figure in 1 extra foot to your drop cloth.  Materials : I purchased all of the supplies...

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Spring on a Budget

Spring on a Budget

It might seem a little too soon for Spring decor, but this past weekend the weather in Arkansas was a Spring teaser! I love the beginning of a new season! Spring decor is a favorite of mine (who am I kidding? All seasonal decor is a favorite of mine). I've rounded up a few tips and tricks to decorate for Spring on a budget.  Bring the Outside In One of the cheapest way to get a Spring feel inside your home is to add some outdoor elements! I love to pick fresh greenery and weeds (YES WEEDS) and fill my...

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Annie Sloan Paint 101

Annie Sloan Paint 101

Let's talk Annie Sloan! I have been chalk painting anything I can get my hands on for about 5 years now. I have tried many brands of chalk paint, and nothing comes close to Annie Sloan. Me and Annie are in a a serious relationship.    ( this is not my photo)  I wanted to share a few steps to chalk painting a piece of furniture! I recommend using an Annie Sloan brush along with your Annie Sloan paint and wax. Clean your piece with water and a rag Apply your first coat. Don't worry the first coat never looks...

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